Expose workloads in multiple Namespaces with a single APIRule definition

This tutorial shows how to expose service endpoints in multiple Namespaces using API Gateway Controller.

CAUTION: Exposing a workload to the outside world is always a potential security vulnerability, so tread carefully. In a production environment, always secure the workload you expose with OAuth2 or JWT.

Expose and access your workloads in multiple Namespaces

Follow the instructions to expose and access your unsecured instance of the HttpBin service and unsecured sample Function.

  1. Create a Namespace for the HttpBin service and export its value as an environment variable. Run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create ns $NAMESPACE_HTTPBIN
    kubectl label namespace $NAMESPACE_HTTPBIN istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
  2. Create a different Namespace for the Function service and export its value as an environment variable. Run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create ns $NAMESPACE_FUNCTION
    kubectl label namespace $NAMESPACE_FUNCTION istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
  3. Deploy an instance of the HttpBin service in its Namespace:

    Click to copy
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE_HTTPBIN create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/master/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml
  4. Create a Function using the supplied code in its Namespace:

    Click to copy
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE_FUNCTION apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyma-project/kyma/main/docs/03-tutorials/assets/function.yaml

Next steps

  1. Create a Namespace for the Gateway and APIRule CRs. Run:

    NOTE: Skip this step if you already have a Namespace.

    Click to copy
    kubectl create ns $NAMESPACE
    kubectl label namespace $NAMESPACE istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
  2. Export the following values as environment variables:

    Click to copy
    export GATEWAY=$NAMESPACE_APIRULE/httpbin-gateway

    NOTE: DOMAIN_NAME is the domain that you own, for example, api.mydomain.com. If you don't want to use your custom domain, replace DOMAIN_NAME with a Kyma domain and $NAMESPACE/httpbin-gateway with Kyma's default Gateway kyma-system/kyma-gateway.

  3. Expose the HttpBin and Function services in their respective Namespaces by creating an APIRule CR which is in its own Namespace. Run:

    Click to copy
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: gateway.kyma-project.io/v1beta1
    kind: APIRule
    name: httpbin-and-function
    namespace: $NAMESPACE
    host: httpbin-and-function.$DOMAIN_TO_EXPOSE_WORKLOADS
    gateway: $GATEWAY
    - path: /headers
    methods: ["GET"]
    name: httpbin
    namespace: $NAMESPACE_HTTPBIN
    port: 8000
    - handler: noop
    - handler: noop
    - path: /function
    methods: ["GET"]
    name: function
    namespace: $NAMESPACE_FUNCTION
    port: 80
    - handler: noop
    - handler: noop

    NOTE: If you are running Kyma on k3d, add httpbin.kyma.local to the entry with k3d IP in your system's /etc/hosts file.

  4. Call the HttpBin endpoint by sending a GET request to the HttpBin service:

    Click to copy
    curl -ik -X GET https://httpbin-and-function.$DOMAIN_TO_EXPOSE_WORKLOADS/headers
  5. Call the Function endpoint by sending a GET request to the Function service:

    Click to copy
    curl -ik -X GET https://httpbin-and-function.$DOMAIN_TO_EXPOSE_WORKLOADS/function

    These calls return the code 200 response.